How to clean your tools

Putting tools away without cleaning them can result in rusty heads or even split handles. Here’s how to get them ready for their winter hibernation.

9 best sponge hacks

Sponges can do a lot more than just wipe up messes. Here are some brilliant uses you've probably never thought to try.

12 tips for water damage repair

Once you've shut down the water source and electricity, you may be staring at puddles and wondering, "What now?" Now it's time to assess and do water damage repair – and do it quickly! Wet materials start developing very serious problems like [...]

3 quick plastic-free cleaning hacks

Wanting to go plastic free, but unsure of how to clean your kitchen? Anaita Sarkar, co-founder of Hero Packaging (an Australian founded home-compostable shipping packaging business committed to removing plastic from packaging and shipping in [...]

What you need to know about peel-and-stick tile

Installing tile can be intimidating for any DIYer regardless of skill or experience. It takes time, money, tools and patience to get your splashback, floor or bathroom wall tile just right. If you're hesitant to take the traditional tiling [...]

Our favourite hot glue hacks

Hot glue guns are not just for school projects and holiday decorations. Once you discover just how useful hot glue can be in the workshop, it will soon become one your favourite tools.

Tech myths you need to stop believing

Your old phone is worthless. Privacy mode protects your privacy. Charging your device all day is bad for its battery life. Are any of these true? Find out!