Schedule a service call for the HVAC system

Schedule a service call for the HVAC system
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Every new homeowner should schedule a maintenance check for the home’s HVAC system. You want to make sure it operates in a safe, clean manner that can get you through the dog days of summer and the coldest days of winter. Ask the previous homeowners which contractor they used – sometimes you have to schedule through a particular contractor in order to maintain the HVAC system’s warranty.

Don’t do these 13 things to your home that real estate agents wouldn’t. 


A seasonal home maintenance list benefits a new homeowner

A seasonal home maintenance list benefits a new homeowner
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Many first-time homeowners aren’t sure which projects to tackle as the seasons change. Stay on top of important seasonal tasks, because you’d rather deal with routine maintenance now than deal with disasters and big repairs later on.

Follow this guide to prepare for bushfire season. 

Do a home inventory

Do a home inventory
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Doing a thorough home inventory helps homeowners prove a loss to an insurance company when making a claim. It can also help a new homeowner determine how much home insurance to purchase. You can accomplish a home inventory in several ways: creating a list, taking photos, creating a narrated video, or using a home inventory app.

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