If there’s one thing we know at Handyman it’s that everyone wants more storage.

It doesn’t matter whether we live in a huge house or a studio apartment, we can never get enough.

So in the spirit of streamlining our spaces we recently posted a tip on our Facebook page that became our most popular post ever.
Now even though we know how much people want storage solutions we were blown away by the response to our pic.

Who knew that a simple coat rack turned into a shoe holder would have such an effect?

The post was viewed by a staggering 10,911,744 people and was shared 193,286 times.

It also inspired lots of commentary along the lines of: ‘Wonderful idea!’; ‘I am so doing this’; ‘I want this!!’; and ‘Nobody in my house would actually use it!’

Couples were asking their other halves if they could do this at home, ‘Hey Bob….how about this?’, and negotiating how many shoes they could have on the rack.

A couple of fans had lively debates on just how awesome the shoe hooks were.

Pretty awesome, it turns out.

While we work hard at Handyman to offer storage solutions, including how to install built-in wardrobes DIY and get the garage sorted using wall racks, it would seem clear that the key to an uncluttered home is to incorporate smart storage in every space.

So we’ll continue to think outside the square to help get you sorted. Watch this space …

By Artemis Gouros, Handyman Magazine Deputy Editor