How To See Inside Tight Spaces

Have you ever wanted to take a look inside a tight space in your house (such as the attic, ceiling, roof or crawl space), but due to space limitations you can’t quite get your head inside to see?
You could set up an elaborate system of mirrors, but the easiest way is to take a photo of the inside using a digital camera.
Simply hold the camera inside the space, take a photo, then look at it on the screen to see what’s inside.
For hard to reach places, you can even use a selfie stick. Attach the camera or phone to the stick, turn on a timer, then hold it inside the space to take a photo.
If you want a real time view of the tight area, then you can use two smartphones to create a remote viewing aparatus. Simple make a video call between the two phones, then hold one of them inside the space and look at the other phone to see what’s inside. You can move the camera around in the space to get a good look.
Take a look inside the latest issue of Handyman for more DIY tips and ideas.