How To Quickly Find Out The Size Of A Tarp
Identify the tarpaulin you need for the job with this simple tip

If you have a large collection of tarpaulins in a variety of sizes, it can be difficult remembering which one is which when they’re folded up and on the shelf.
It’s annoying to unfold them and fold them back up to determine which one is the best size, but luckily there’s an easy way to figure it out.
Simply measure each tarpaulin, then fold them up neatly and write the size on each tarpaulin using a permanent marker.
That way, when it comes time to choosing the right size for the job, you just need to take a glance at the size marking to determine which one to select.
Once you have finished using the tarpaulin, make sure you fold it so that the size is showing clearly.
Take a look inside the latest issue of Handyman for more DIY tips and ideas.
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