Kitchen renovation know-how

Few renovations can make an impact on a home like a full kitchen remodel. After living in his home for a decade and a half, Family Handyman Creative Director Vern Johnson decided to make some major changes to his kitchen space.
“Over the last fifteen years, we’ve lived with a kitchen that was about 2.7m by 3.3m – and it just was not functioning,” Johnson says.
Johnson knew gaining more functionality and lots more space would require an extensive renovation. So after spending a few years ironing out project plans and design details, he knocked out a wall and got to work. Ten months and many lessons learned later, the kitchen remodel was complete.
If you’re taking on a similar project, here are some important nuggets of information Johnson picked up throughout the process.
Take advantage of the full space

Johnson took this on because he had room to expand adjacent to the kitchen. “We decided to take out a wall and use up space in the former dining room that we never used before,” he says. “And now it’s all coming together.”
In many cases, knocking out a wall is all it takes to change the flow of a room. Just be sure any walls you decide to take out aren’t load-bearing.
Don’t have that option? Here’s how to make the most of space in a small kitchen.
Be ready for the timeline to change

Even the most carefully planned renovations can (and often will) fall behind schedule. Plans can change, materials can arrive weeks late, and installations you thought would take a day can stretch on for the whole week.
Knowing this, Johnson presumed his kitchen remodel would take at least a month longer than he planned – six months instead of five. Ultimately, though, it took about twice as long.
“My advice is, expect it to take a long time so you’re not frustrated when it does take a long time,” Johnson says.