Get a retractable awning

Get a retractable awning

Extend the area of comfort for your shed by putting a retractable awning at the front or back. With an awning in place, you can sit outside in the shade after finishing some work and enjoy a refreshing beverage. As an alternative to an awning, put an offset patio umbrella in front of your shed.


Your little greenhouse

Your little greenhouse

Turn your shed into a relaxing and inspiring little greenhouse full of your favourite plants. Picture this: A place all your own that’s full of the smell of herbs, tomatoes and small lemon trees. This idea would require you to install additional windows on the ceiling and sides of your shed so that your plants get maximum light. Going to your shed to tend to your plants could become a peaceful and enjoyable hobby.

Get inspired by these epic backyard cabins around the web. 

Keep pests away

Keep pests away
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One of the top reasons why some people avoid going outdoors is that they don’t want to deal with pests like flies, crawling bugs and rodents.

Here are some tried and true methods to keep pests away.

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 Source: The Family Handyman