Starting a garden doesn’t have to break the bank

Starting a garden doesn’t have to break the bank

Build a thrifty patio garden with containers you find on the curb – just drill drainage holes. “The only thing you should splurge on is good quality potting soil and seeds,” says gardening writer Gayla Trail. You’ll save later on produce.

Discover 10 must-read insider tips to save you money on gardening.


No yard? No problem!

No yard? No problem!

If you don’t have a yard or your soil is inhospitable, you can still do some fruitful urban gardening in containers. The bigger the pots, the better, says Trail. “The soil will stay wet longer in a large container,” she explains.

Here are 9 ways to have a garden in an apartment.

Starting a garden has benefits you can’t put a price on

Starting a garden has benefits you can’t put a price on

In a 2011 Dutch study, two groups of people were asked to complete a stressful task, then assigned 30 minutes of either gardening or reading. The gardeners’ stress hormones were found to be significantly lower.

Dirt has its own surprising benefits

Dirt has its own surprising benefits

What makes digging in the dirt so satisfying? It might be the dirt itself. M. vaccae, a healthy bacterium that lives in soil, has been found to increase serotonin and provide anxiety relief when inhaled.

Learn about soil biodiversity and why it’s important.

Gardening’s physical benefits increase as we age

Gardening’s physical benefits increase as we age

Digging, pulling weeds and planting help strengthen your hands, which is especially important for seniors, whose loss of grip strength worsens arthritis pain and leads to difficulty performing tasks.

Maintenance may take as little as five minutes a day

Maintenance may take as little as five minutes a day

“As much time as it takes to walk around your garden and put your finger in the soil up to the second knuckle,” says gardening columnist and broadcaster Mark Cullen. “If it feels moist and cool, there’s no need to water.”

Don’t miss this guide to sustainable gardening.

Learning your soil type is key

Learning your soil type is key

Understanding your soil type – sand, silt, clay or loam – is crucial when starting a garden. Your soil type can tell you which plants will do best and which amendments you’ll need to add, such as peat moss for better drainage. “Grab some earth and squeeze it,” Trail says. “Sand feels gritty, clay will stick together in a ball, and loam feels light and fluffy, like cake.”

Learn what to do if you have clay garden soil.

Don’t disregard weeds

Don’t disregard weeds

Weeding several times a week provides the best return on your time invested. “Weeds are competition for desirable plants, so you need to get rid of them to maximise the productivity of your food plants and flowers,” says Cullen.

Discover 16 ways to kill garden weeds.

Mulch is a gardener’s BFF

Mulch is a gardener’s BFF

A five- to 10-centimetre layer of straw or shredded leaves around the base of your plants will do double duty holding moisture in and preventing weeds.

Find out how to make free mulch.

Don’t ignore yellowed, limp leaves

Don’t ignore yellowed, limp leaves

If you’re starting a garden, one of the biggest temptations is to give it too much love. “Nine out of 10 plant problems are caused by overwatering,” says Cullen. “If the soil feels cool and damp, don’t water.”

Learn everything you need to know about watering houseplants.