31. Old rake

31. Old rake
The Family Handyman

Don’t throw away that old rake.

When the handle broke on our old rake, I decided to repurpose it for use as a rack to store my garden hand tools.

It fits the gardening theme and keeps what I need in plain sight! — Judy G. Todd


32. Packing peanuts

32. Packing peanuts
The Family Handyman

Packing peanuts aren’t going to go into your recycling bin but places like UPS and other shipping retailers will accept packing peanuts for recycling.

33. Tires

33. Tires
e X p o s e/Shutterstock

Make creative garden chairs by recycling your old tires, because what goes better than horticulture and recycled materials?

34. Use an old eyeglass case for hardware storage

34. Use an old eyeglass case for hardware storage
The Family Handyman

My wife has a drawer full of old eyeglass cases that she doesn’t use anymore, so I repurposed them to store small things like drill bits and screws.

I stick a case in my shirt pocket when I’m working and toss it into a toolbox when I’m done.

It’s much easier than digging around for small stuff in the bottom of my tool apron. — Norm Smith

35. Laundry jug watering can

35. Laundry jug watering can
The Family Handyman

Instead of throwing away empty laundry detergent containers, rinse them out thoroughly and then recycle them for watering plants.

Drill 1/8-in. holes in the top of the cap, and a 1/2-in. hole just above the handle to relieve pressure so the water flows freely.

36. Gardening tool hack

36. Gardening tool hack
The Family Handyman

Don’t throw away the plastic pots from potted plants.

With a rope handle attached, they make great weed buckets to carry with you as you tend the flower beds or vegetable garden. — Glen Weller

37. Cardboard carton

37. Cardboard carton
The Family Handyman

Instead of tossing that cardboard milk or orange juice carton in the recycling bin, cut off the top, wrap it with fabric and use it as a planter for herbs or flowers.

38. Wine cork caulk saver

38. Wine cork caulk saver
The Family Handyman

Keeping around a few extra wine corks is a good idea in case you accidentally throw one away.

But they also work for other purposes. Synthetic wine corks are great for sealing partially used tubes of caulk.

Drill a 5/16-in. hole into the cork about 1 in. deep.

The cork fits perfectly and makes an airtight seal.

39. Pop tops

39. Pop tops
The Family Handyman

If you’re hanging pictures and run out of those sawtooth hangers, just grab the nearest soft drink can.

Bend the pull tab back and forth until it breaks off.

Then screw it to your picture frame.

Bend the free end out slightly and hang the picture. – Carrie Tegeler

40. Old sneakers

40. Old sneakers
The Family Handyman

Make sandpaper nearly new again with a lowly old sneaker.

Start up your power sander and dust collection system (remember to wear hearing and eye protection).

Then slowly press the rubber sole of an old sneaker along the sandpaper—you’ll see a difference instantly!