You make your house dog-friendly

You make your house dog-friendly
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Sure, you could get mad at your dog every time they bark at the neighbour’s kids – or you could install some dog-proof shades and remove the temptation, Benson says. Similarly, if your pup freaks out when strangers come over, set up a room with toys and food for him to go to when you have guests. “Good dog owners look for easy ways to reduce problem behaviour instead of punishing it,” she says.

Here are 5 easy ways to secure your home.


You take your dog for regular veterinary check-ups

You take your dog for regular veterinary check-ups
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“A big sign of a great dog owner is seeking veterinary care for their pets as soon as they get sick and scheduling routine health check-ups and vaccines,” says Sara Ochoa, veterinarian and consultant for Not only will this help your dog recover faster from injuries and illnesses, it will go a long way in preventing them from getting sick or hurt in the first place, she says.

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You rescued your dog or bought it from a reputable breeder

You rescued your dog or bought it from a reputable breeder
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“Great dog owners know not to buy puppies from stores or online, no matter how beautiful the website looks,” Benson says. “Puppy mills are scary and awful for the breeding dogs and produce puppies that might have serious health and behavioural problems.” Instead, they will look to rescue an animal from a shelter or if they are looking for a particular dog will only purchase from an accredited and reputable breeder, she adds.

You wash out the water bowl

You wash out the water bowl
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One of the most basic responsibilities of owning a pet is providing a source of clean water but great pet owners will make sure that the water is fresh daily and the bowl is cleaned regularly, Dr. Ochoa says. “Slime can build up in the water bowl and cause your pet to get sick,” she explains.

We bet you didn’t know that these 10 things can be composted.

You feed your pup a well-balanced diet and limit treats

You feed your pup a well-balanced diet and limit treats
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Great pet owners understand that while dogs may love it, human food and excessive treats are bad for your pet’s health, Dr. Ochoa says. Instead, try to buy balanced, quality food and keep it consistent while limiting treats to special occasions – being overweight is just as bad for dogs as it is for humans, she says.

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