Finding plants that will survive and thrive in locations where little sun penetrates is one of the most difficult gardening dilemmas.

In Australia, this usually means the area on the south side of your home, which can be moist as well as shady.

Many suburban gardens have large established trees that cast shadows over part of the backyard.

In small backyards or courtyards, the trees don’t need to be very big to create shady problem areas.

With plot sizes shrinking and housing density increasing, gardening in areas without sun is becoming more relevant across the country.

Variations of shade

Variations of shade

The key to creating a successful shady garden is in the planning, so it’s essential to identify the type of shade you’re dealing with before planting.

FULL SHADE means no direct light penetrates. It usually occurs under large trees or on the south side of a building, especially between houses. Complete shade presents the toughest challenge. A garden under established trees competes for nutrients and water, with the canopy stopping a lot of the rain reaching the soil.

SEMI OR PART SHADE means the area gets sun for only half the day. It’s important when working with part shade to distinguish between plants that like morning or afternoon sun.

LIGHT OR DAPPLED SHADE refers to an area that receives filtered sunlight during the day, such as under plants with foliage that is not too dense. Other areas that need thought are the pergola, balcony and indoors. House plants receive neither rain nor nutrients, so these should be very hardy, or very well looked after. A shady garden has the potential to be soothing and restful in a way sunny yards are not. Shaded spots make great summer retreats, so add a comfortable outdoor setting for those hot days.


Choosing marginal plants - Lacy tree fern

Choosing marginal plants - Lacy tree fern
Getty Images

For wet and shady areas, try these plants. Called marginal or bog plants, they grow in a range of positions from light to full shade and are used to landscape around the edge of a backyard pond.

Choosing marginal plants - Sweet flag

Choosing marginal plants - Sweet flag
Getty images

Sweet Flag is a herb, 30 to 100 cm tall. The Bible mentions its use in the holy anointing oil (Exodus 30: 23).

Finding plants that will survive and thrive in locations where little sun penetrates is one of the most difficult gardening dilemmas.

In Australia, this usually means the area on the south side of your home, which can be moist as well as shady.

Many suburban gardens have large established trees that cast shadows over part of the backyard.

In small backyards or courtyards, the trees don’t need to be very big to create shady problem areas.

With plot sizes shrinking and housing density increasing, gardening in areas without sun is becoming more relevant across the country.

Choosing marginal plants - Elephant ear

Choosing marginal plants - Elephant ear
Getty images

The leaves are shown in mosaics from Israel for serving of fruit to eat as plate or bowl.

Select a variety - English woodland

Select a variety - English woodland

Mass-plant anemones in the dappled light under deciduous trees for cool-weather colour and add classical statuary or a pond.



FOXGLOVES add height as well as colour at the back of garden.

Finding plants that will survive and thrive in locations where little sun penetrates is one of the most difficult gardening dilemmas.

In Australia, this usually means the area on the south side of your home, which can be moist as well as shady.

Many suburban gardens have large established trees that cast shadows over part of the backyard.

In small backyards or courtyards, the trees don’t need to be very big to create shady problem areas.

With plot sizes shrinking and housing density increasing, gardening in areas without sun is becoming more relevant across the country.



HELLEBORES multiply well and provide lovely winter colour.



BLUEBELLS flower in spring and look delightful in drifts.



HOSTAS have a range of foliage.

Finding plants that will survive and thrive in locations where little sun penetrates is one of the most difficult gardening dilemmas.

In Australia, this usually means the area on the south side of your home, which can be moist as well as shady.

Many suburban gardens have large established trees that cast shadows over part of the backyard.

In small backyards or courtyards, the trees don’t need to be very big to create shady problem areas.

With plot sizes shrinking and housing density increasing, gardening in areas without sun is becoming more relevant across the country.



FORGET-ME-NOTS self-sow to bloom year after year.